Alpha Epsilon Delta is the National Professional Health Honor Society dedicated to the encouragement and recognition of excellence in professional scholarship, including medicine, dentistry pharmacy, optometry, physician’s assistant, nursing, etc. The society welcomes all students engaged in the pursuit of a professional healthcare career. Alpha Epsilon Delta offers opportunities for intellectual and professional development, provides a forum for students with common interests, and extends a program of service to benefit the university community. On April 28th, 1926 15 pre-medical students and an organic chemistry professor, Dr. Jack Montgomery established the first chapter of Alpha Epsilon Delta at the University of Alabama. Shorty after that, the University of South Carolina became the first school to petition and become an official chapter. Following this was the initiation of new Alpha Epsilon Delta chapters in Samford University, University of Texas, and Baylor University. Currently the headquarters is located at Texas Christian University. Alpha Epsilon Delta has grown to be one of the country's largest pre-health honor society with a continuously expanding membership of 300,000 in about 200 chapters.
Cal Epsilon Chapter
University of California, Irvine has the honor of being one of only 5 chapters in California. Our chapter was the second established in California, having been fully initiated on May 7th, 1978. Our chapter supervisor is Marsha Holland, Biological Science Department, and we have associations with the American Association for the Advancement of Science and are a Member of the Association of College Honor Societies. We provide opportunities for our members to follow their passion in a safe and positive environment, expose them to a variety of careers in the health field, and strive for personal and professional growth. With over 30 years of history here at UCI, our members have grown from being leaders in the classroom to being leaders in the health care field.

Here are just a few places where our alumni have matriculated to