Westminster, CA
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What is the Free Health Clinic?
Every year, Alpha Epsilon Delta and its members hold a Free Health Clinic in Westminster to provide various screenings and healthcare services to underserved residents. The health clinic is an opportunity for residents to receive access to quality healthcare, regardless of ability to pay. Through this annual event, we aim to promote the importance of health advocacy as well as disease prevention. We strive to provide the same opportunity to other local communities in order to cultivate a society of healthy individuals. In previous years, our volunteers served approximately 150 residents of Westminster. After not being able to hold this event in-person since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, we were finally able to transition back into an in-person setting Spring 2022, allowing us to provide .
What are some of the services we provide?
BMI Readings
Bone Density Reading
Blood screening for Hepatitis B/C
Glucose measurement
and much more!
Our organization has networked with various health organizations including: